SmartMI – AI for preclinical MRI

SmartMI – AI for preclinical MRI

SmartMI provides higher SNR for all MRI systems

Now 3T systems can have the SNR of a 9.4T system and 7T systems the SNR of a 20T system.

SmartMI is available on all Cryogen-free magnets from 3T to 9.4T: Learn more on MRS*DRYMAG

The image (figure 1a) on the left shows MR SCAN obtained on a mouse brain using a 3T: the sequence is a 2D RARE T2w, with a slice thickness: 1 mm / 15 slices, In-plane resolution 0.1 x 0.1 mm2. By applying SmartMITM (figure 1b) the SNR on this data set improves by 3.1 times giving the image SNR of a 9.4T scanner.

The example in figure 2a shows a very low signal to noise image at 7T on a mouse brain using a GRE T2* sequence. The Slice thickness is 0.2 mm / 12 slices with an in-plane resolution 98 x 98 µm2. The low quality was generated deliberately to demonstrate the performance of SmartMI in figure 2b. SmartMI is able of extreme SNR recovery. In this case, the SNR gain comparing images in 3a and 3b is a factor of 3.5.

The example in figure 3a shows a very low resolution at 7T on a mouse brain using a GRE T2* sequence. The Slice thickness is 0.2 mm / 12 slices with an in-plane resolution 98 x 98 µm2. The low quality was generated on purpose to demonstrate the performance of SmartMI in figure 3b. SmartMI is able of extreme SNR recovery. In this case, the SNR gain comparing images in 3a and 3b is 3.5 better.


SmartMI: ultra-high field SNR without magnetic susceptibility effects.

At very high fields such as 11.7T and 14.0T magnetic susceptibility effects can seriously degrade the image. SmartMI, is a game changer. For example, a 7T system can now have the SNR of a 20.0T system without the degradation caused by magnetic susceptibility.

MRS*DRYMAG 9.4T: Cryogen-free MR

The  MRS*DRYMAG 9.4T is cryogen-free MR based on the dry magnet technology from MR Solutions. The system can acquire animals up to 3 kg and is ready for PET/MR and SPECT/MR imaging. A wide range of coils such as phased array, multinuclear, surface and volume coils are available. Learn More

MRS*DRYMAG 7.0T: Cryogen-free MR

The  MRS*DRYMAG 7.0T is cryogen-free MR based on the dry magnet technology from MR Solutions. The system can acquire animals up to 3 kg and is ready for PET/MR and SPECT/MR imaging. A wide range of coils such as phased array, multinuclear, surface and volume coils are available. Learn More

MRS*DRYMAG 4.7T: Cryogen-free MR

The  MRS*DRYMAG 4.7T is cryogen-free MR based on the dry magnet technology from MR Solutions. The system can acquire animals up to 3 kg and is ready for PET/MR and SPECT/MR imaging. A wide range of coils such as phased array, multinuclear, surface and volume coils are available. Learn More

MRS*DRYMAG 3.0T: Cryogen-free MR

The  MRS*DRYMAG 3.0T is cryogen-free MR based on the dry magnet technology from MR Solutions. The system can acquire animals up to 3 kg and is ready for PET/MR and SPECT/MR imaging. A wide range of coils such as phased array, multinuclear, surface and volume coils are available. Learn More