MR Solutions will participate at the following events:
ISMRM Benelux
We will be attending the ISMRM Benelux in the Netherlands on 17th January.
PET-RTRC Workshop
We will be attending the PET-RTRC Workshop at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis from 18th-20th February.
ISMRM-Benelux Chapter
We will be attending the ISMRM Benelux on the 8th of March in s'Hertogenbosch (Netherlands), an event we proudly sponsor.
This week, we will be at the European Society for Molecular Imaging - ESMI conference between the 12th and 15th of March in Porto, Portugal. Come by our booth and discover how our technology can take your imaging to the next level!
ISMRM 2024 Singapore
We will be attending the ISMRM in Singapore on the 4th to 9th of May. Pop by booth # D26 to discuss how our technology can take your imaging to the next level with our friendly team!
More details on the conference's website.
SNMMI 2024 in Toronto
We will be at the Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging annual meeting which takes place in Toronto, Canada from June 8th until June 11th. Come by to say hello to our friendly team, and discover how our innovations can elevate your preclinical imaging to new levels!
Magnetic Resonance Porous Media 2024 in Tromso
We are proud to sponsor this year's Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media held in Tromsø between the 26th and 30th of August. Come by to say hello to our friendly team!
More details on the conference's website:
Come and say hi!
World Molecular Imaging Conference 2024
We will be at the World Molecular Imaging Conference 2024 which takes place in Montreal between the 9th and 13th of September. It is a great opportunity to learn about MR Solutions' technology and innovations, and how it can serve your imaging needs. Come by to say hello to our friendly team!
European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology conference 2024
We will be attending the ESMRMB in Barcelona on the 2nd to 5th of October. Pop by our booth to discuss how our technology can take your imaging to the next level with our friendly team!
Hull, UK
MR Solutions will be at the 4th Preclinical Nuclear Imaging 2023 symposium
Meet MR Solutions at the PNI symposium at the University of Hull.
We look forward to seeing you on the 27th of February 2023, to present to you our new high resolution and large bore PET/CT as well as our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free for PET/MR imaging: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T up to 42 cm.
Come and join us at the EMIM 2023!
Meet MR Solutions at the EMIM 2023 in Salzburg.
We look forward to seeing you on the 14-17th of March 2023, to present to you our new high resolution and large bore PET/CT as well as our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free for PET/MR imaging: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T up to 42 cm.
Meet MR Solutions at the ISMRM Benelux Chapter on March 24th at Autoworld in Brussels
Meet MR Solutions at the ISMRM Benelux Chapter in Brussels for a day of networking and learning about the latest advancements in magnetic resonance imaging. Discover our new dry magnets models for MRI
Meet us at the DGN 2023 in Leipzig.
Join us at DGN 2023 in Leipzig to discover our integrated high-field SPECT-PET/MR and SPECT-PET/CT systems. Please meet our team at booth A18.
Meet us at the ISMRM 2023 in Toronto
We're really looking forward to exhibiting at the 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting.
Combining a mixture of educational sessions and exhibitions, it promises to be a fantastic event.
We will be at stand number J21 if you're coming along. Do come and say hi!
For more information about this event, please visit
We’ll be at the SNMMI in Chicago this year!
MR Solutions is attending the SNMMI 2023 in Chicago, July 23rd - 27th
Come and see us at the ISMRM Iberian Chapter 2023!
We will be attending the Iberian ISMRM Chapter Overview on July 3rd - 5th.
Will you be there? The meeting will be an opportunity for academic and social interaction and promises to be a scatalyst for some exciting conversations.
We’re sponsoring & attending the MoBi in Tübingen this August
We will be attending and sponsoring at the 6th GyMIC Molecular Imaging Symposium in Tübingen on the 24th and 25th of August.
Will you be there? Please come by and say hello!
MR Solutions will be at the WMIC 2023 in Prague!
Come & meet MR Solutions at the WMIC 2023 in Prague between the 5th and 9th of September, to discover our new high resolution and large bore imaging systems: From Dry Magnets Cryogen-free systems for PET/MR imaging and from 3T to 9.4T (up to 42 cm bore size) to PET, SPECT and CT imaging.
MR Solutions will attend the EANM 2023 in Vienna this September
Come & meet MR Solutions at the EANM 2023 in Vienna, to discover our new high resolution and large bore imaging systems: From Dry Magnets Cryogen-free systems for PET/MR imaging and from 3T to 9.4T (up to 42 cm bore size) to PET, SPECT and CT imaging.
We will be attending the ISMRM-SNMMI Co-Provided Workshop on PET/MRI tomorrow in Los Angeles.
Come and say hi!
Leof. Stratou 3, Thessaloniki 546 36
European Molecular Imaging Meeting | EMIM 2022
Meet MR Solutions during the EMIM 202 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Annual meeting and exhibition
180°N Conference Norwegian Nuclear Medicine Consortium
Meet MR Solutions during the 180°N Annual meeting and exhibition. Discover our 7T cryogen-free magnet for simultaneous PET/MR imaging
London, United Kingdom
ISMRM – International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Meet MR SOLUTIONS team during the ISMRM 2022 in London.
Discover our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free: 9.4T 17 cm & 26 cm bore and 7T, 4.7T and 3T with new bore sizes of 31 cm and 42 cm
19th Kuopio Bio-MRI workshop 2022
Meet our team during the 19th Kuopio Bio-MRI workshop 2022. Discover our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free: 9.4T 17 cm & 26 cm bore and 7T, 4.7T and 3T with new bore sizes of 31 cm and 42 cm
Meet MR Solutions at the SNMMI meeting in Vancouver
We look forward to seeing you at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2022 annual meeting, held June 11-14, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. and discover our new large bore PET/CT for NHP and high resolution PET/CT for rodents as well as our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free for PET/MR imaging: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T with new bore sizes of 31 cm and 42 cm
Vancouver, British Columbia
SNMMI meeting: Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
SNMMI meeting 2022
Meet our team during the ISMRM Benelux meeting. Discover our new large bore PET/CT, PET/MR Dry Magnets Cryogen-free up to 42 cm: 9.4T PET/MR, 7T PET/MR, 4.7T PET/MR and SPECT/CT
Meet MR Solutions at the MoBI 2022 (5th GyMIC Molecular Imaging Symposium)
We are delighted to attend and sponsor the MoBI 2022, held September 15th & 16th, in Leipzig, Germany. We look forward to meeting you and tell you about our wide and innovative range of imaging systems for PET, SPECT, CT and cryogen-free MRI for preclinical models: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T with new bore sizes of 31 cm and 42 cm.
Meet MR Solutions at the WMIC meeting in Miami
We look forward to seeing you at the World Molecular Imaging Congress 2022 annual meeting, held September 28th to October 1st, in Miami, FL, USA. and discover our new large bore PET/CT for NHP and high resolution PET/CT for rodents as well as our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free for PET/MR imaging: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T with new bore sizes of 31 cm and 42 cm
Meet MR Solutions at the EANM meeting 2022 in Barcelona
Meet MR Solutions at the EANM meeting in Barcelona.
We look forward to seeing you at the EANM 2022 annual meeting, held in Barcelona to present to you our new high resolution and large bore PET/CT as well as our new Dry Magnets Cryogen-free for PET/MR imaging: 9.4T, 7T, 4.7T and 3T up to 42 cm.
ISMRM 2021 (Virtual)
Please meet our team during the ISMRM 2021 Annual meeting and exhibition. We are introducing the MRS*DRYMAG 7042 our largest bore dry magnet: 42 cm.
SNMMI 2021 (Virtual)
Please meet our team during the SNMMI 2021 Annual meeting and exhibition. Discover our large bore MRS*PET/CT 220, PET/CT Benchtop and 9.4T cryogen-free for simultaneous PET/MR imaging
EMIM Annual Meeting Göttingen 2021
Please meet our team during the EMIMI 2021 Annual meeting and exhibition. Real BOOTH for face-to-face meeting. Discover our large bore MRS*PET/CT 220, PET/CT Benchtop and 9.4T cryogen-free for simultaneous PET/MR imaging
European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2020)
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at the European Molecular Imaging (EMIM 2020), Thessaloniki, Greece
Meet us at the virtual WMIC !
Meet MR Solutions at the WMIC and discuss about high-field cryogen-free PET/MR and newest PET/CT's
Register for free
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2019
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at the European Molecular Imaging Meeting held in Glasgow between 20th and 22nd March. Plan your visit to booth #101
ESMRMB Congress 2019
Please join MR Solutions at the first ESMRMB Preclinical MRI Event Frontiers in Preclinical MRI: Where Imaging Sciences, Life Sciences and Medicine Meet on Oct. 2, 2019.
The meeting will give an overview of state-of-the-art preclinical MR as well as the clinical relevance and future directions of the field.
Engage with the preclinical and clinical community, and discuss the present and future of preclinical MRI research. We want to strengthen interdisciplinary bonds and foster translational work, so don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your peers and colleagues!
More information on the programme and registration available on the ESMRMB website.
Koningin Astridplein 26
2018 Antwerpen
ISMRM – Benelux 2018
MR Solutions attends the Benelux Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine at Antwerp Zoo
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2018
MR Solutions is exhibiting at the European Molecular Imaging Meeting held at the Kursaal Congress Centre in San Sebastian, Spain.
Preclinical 7T PET-MR workshop Simultaneous Imaging
Organized by the CGFL within the IMAPPI, Pharmimage, Pharmaco-imaging consortiums and MR Solutions, the workshop has been designed to be highly interactive with demonstrations of the new 7T integrated PET/MR system of MR Solutions. Three roundtables will be organized in order to present topics such as PET/MR imaging in the field of preclinical oncology, neurology, cardiovascular diseases and multimodal probes design. It will be also the opportunity to launch the MR Solutions users group.
SNMMI 2018
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at this years SNMMI held in Philadelphia, come visit us from 23-26 June at booth 307 to learn about our new CT, PET/CT and PET/MR simultaneous imaging systems
Euromar 2018 – Nantes, France
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at this years European Magnetic Resonance Meeting held in Nantes, France - Booth #27
EUROMAR 2018, Nantes France
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at this years @euromar2018 held at Nantes Events Centre come visit Fabrice at booth #27 to learn about our new CT, PET/CT and PET/MR simultaneous imaging systems #euromar2018 #nantes #MRI #PET/CT
WMIC 2018
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at this years World Molecular Imaging Congress meeting held in Seattle at the Washington State Convention Centre. booth #101
Scottish Molecular Imaging Meeting 2018 (SMIM2018)
MR Solutions is looking forward to attending this years Scottish Molecular Imaging Meeting (SMIM) held in at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (BICR), Glasgow.
EANM, European Association of Nuclear Medicine Meeting
MR Solutions is attending this years EANM meeting held in Dusseldorf.
Tilburg, The Netherlands
ISMRM Benelux 2017
MR Solutions attends to ISMRM Benelux chapter
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
MR SOLUTIONS at the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
MR Solutions attends to SFRMBM, Bordeaux, France
MR Solutions attends to SFRMBM, Bordeaux, France
MR Solutions attends to ICMRI & KSMRM 2017 in Seoul, Korea
MR Solutions attends to ICMRI & KSMRM 2017
MR SOLUTIONS is present at EMIM, Cologne Germany. Come and meet us to see our latest high field PET/MR results
MR SOLUTIONS is present at ISMRM, Honolulu, Hawaii. Come and meet us to see our latest high field MR and PET/MR results
PSMR 2017
Conference topics include:
• PET-MRI and SPECT-MRI instrumentation
• PET-MRI and SPECT-MRI software and quantification
• Whole-body PET-MRI
• Dedicated organ PET-MRI
• Advances in SPECT-MRI
• PET-MRI and SPECT-MRI tracers
• Preclinical PET-MRI and SPECT-MRI
• PET-MRI and SPECT-MRI applications
SNMMI 2017
Come visit us at booth 261 to learn about our lightweight, compact, and detachable PET module!
WPC – World Preclinical Congress 2017
MR Solutions will be showing their latest state of the art 3T to 9.4T superconducting, cryogen-free MRI imaging technology with optional PET and SPECT imaging modalities on stand 407 at the 16th annual World Preclinical Congress in Boston on June 13th to 15th. The congress focusses on the very latest trends and technologies impacting the preclinical drug discovery and development world.
ICMRM 2017
MR Solutions attends ICMRM 2017 held in Halifax, Nova Scotia
BC- ISMRM Liverpool – September
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at the 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Chapter of the ISMRM held at the University Of Liverpool
WMIC 2017 – Philadelphia
MR Solutions exhibits at WMIC 2017 hosted in Philadelphia - Booth #325
BNMS 2017 – September
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at the British Nuclear Medicine Society Autumn meeting held at ACC Liverpool in September
EANM 2017
MR Solutions will be attending the European Association Of Nuclear Medicine conference held in Vienna on the 21st -24th October 2017 at booth #201
SBNM 2017 – Brazil
MR Solutions will be exhibiting at SBNM 2017 hosted in Brazil
Jaarbeurs "Supernova"
EMIM 2016
European Molecular Imaging Meeting
Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre
ISMRM 2016
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
San Diego Convention Center
SNMMI 2016
Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
CCIB – Barcelona International Convention Centre
EANM 2016
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
Ghent, Belgium
ISMRM Benelux Chapter 2015
Benelux Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Edinburgh, Scotland
Booth #42
BNA 2015: Festival of Neuroscience
British Neuroscience Association’s Festival of Neuroscience
Toronto, ON, Canada
Booth #523
ISMRM 2015
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Booth #:867
SNMMI 2015
Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Munich, Germany
ICMRM 2015
International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
Honolulu, Hawaii
Booth #609
WMIC 2015
World Molecular Imaging Congress
Madrid, Spain
Workshop de introducción a la imagen molecular preclínica y su aplicación en la investigación biomédica
Hamburg, Germany
Booth #225b-k
EANM 2015
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
SAIS 2015
Small Animal Imaging Symposium (SAIS)
London, UK
PNI 2015
2nd Preclinical Nuclear Imaging Symposium
Blankenberge, Belgian
YBMRS 2015
Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists (YBMRS) Symposium
Milan, Italy
ISMRM 2014
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (Joint with ESMRMB)
Antwerp, Belgium
EMIM 2014 (ESMI)
European Molecular Imaging Meeting
St. Louis, MI, USA
SNMMI 2014
Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
GRC 2014
Gordon Research Conference - In Vivo Magnetic Resonance
Edinburgh, UK
20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Chapter of the ISMRM
Gothenburg, Sweden
EANM 2014
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
Washington, DC
SFN 2014
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting